Saturday, March 31, 2012

Virginia HOSA: "Helping others, serving always."

The wonderful state of Virginia welcomed Region II Vice-President, Nathalie Figueroa, to their 32nd annual State Leadership Conference. It was held at the Williamsburg Hotel and Conference Center in Williamsburg, Virginia from March 16-18. Members gathered to demonstrate and improve their medical and leadership skills while making new friends across the state.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The conference began with members arriving from schools all across Virginia. Registration and competitive event orientations were held throughout the day. The Williamsburg Hotel and Conference Center was full of life as members practiced their skills in study groups and socialized with new friends. Advisors and volunteers worked hard as they ran the orientations and prepared for competitions the following day.

During the opening session, a multitude of chapters gathered to celebrate the beginning of a thrilling weekend. The State Officers welcomed everyone, led members in reciting the HOSA creed, and explained the purpose, agenda, and guidelines for the ensuing days.

Richmond Tech's EMS Ambulance flashed lights, talked, and moved around the conference room exciting members before the opening session! 

Enthusiastic members representing their chapters and ready to kick-off a great conference. 

Andrea Sawyer
The keynote speaker, Andrea Sawyer, gave a motivational speech about the decisions we make after going through challenging experiences. When her husband returned from Iraq with severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), she became his caregiver. She described how she watched him deteriorate before her eyes and the challenges she faced in receiving the proper care for her husband. Her hope was dwindling until she found the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). It made them feel empowered to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others facing the same obstacles. WWP's Policy and Government Affairs program gave her the opportunity to express to the White House and members of Congress the importance of mental healthcare for our wounded warriors and support for their caregivers. 

She finished by saying that we can respond to obstacles in three different ways. We can let a challenge affect us negatively forever, we can overcome a challenge, or we can overcome a challenge and change it for others so that they do not have to face the same problems. The choice is ours.
The night concluded with a talent show that singing, dancing, and instrumental acts. The talent was truly through the roof!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Behind the scenes, State Officers and State Advisor, Mrs. Ann Craddock, prepare for the day's events, which included a variety of workshops, competitions, and various sessions.

Beautiful HOSA uniforms and Virginia HOSA pins were found all throughout the conference. Members who dressed for success received ribbons and wore them proudly. 
Workshops on every kind of subject were held all day. Out of the many workshops offered to members at the conference was this "Dress for Success" workshop. Members and advisors received tips on how to dress sharp.

That night, the State Officers led the recognition session at a banquet where members and advisors dressed up. What a great way to recognize the members, advisors, and guests that give back to HOSA and the medical community at large. 

After the session, members attended "Fun Night," which included events such as Bingo, a dance, Wii games, karaoke, and corn-hole. Members represented their chapter shirts throughout the conference. Check out these soon-to-be nurses showing their medical pride on "Fun Night."

                                       Sunday, March 18, 2012

The morning started with State Officers ready to award members after a weekend of challenging and exciting competition. Members waited eagerly for the results!

The 2012-2013 State Officers accepting the responsibilities of their office. Virginia HOSA has great leaders!

Post-Secondary/Collegiate winners after the awards ceremony. They're ready for Nationals! 

Secondary winners after the awards ceremony. See you in Orlando, Florida at the 35th Annual National Leadership Conference! 

The 2011-2012 State Officer Team, State Advisor, Mrs. Ann Craddock, and National Officer, Nathalie Figueroa.

Virginia HOSA's 32nd annual State Leadership Conference was full of friendships, successes, and lessons that will continue to mold future healthcare professionals. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Penn Hosa's 33rd Annual State Leadership Conference

Penn HOSA’s 33rd Annual State Leadership Conference took place at the Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. From March 5th – March 7th, 2012 over 800 Penn HOSA members and advisors met to compete, learn, and celebrate Penn HOSA.

Monday March 5, 2012

Students checked into the Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center. Early in the day, the interviews of the new state officer candidates took place. The interviews determined the slating of officers for the 2012-2013 Penn HOSA Executive Council. Later these candidates would speak in front of the assembly with their election speeches. That evening the Opening Session took place on a charming colonial style stage with red, white, and blue lights. The parade of flags soon took place where all Penn HOSA chapters represented their school with a unique flag while proudly marching around the auditorium.

Beautiful Colonial Stage for Penn HOSA's Sessions

After the opening session, the voting delegates were split into committee meetings. Bylaws, Dress Code, Opening Sessions, and Penn HOSA marketing are among the committees that met to discuss the new and exciting things planned for Penn HOSA. They also served as forum for suggestions on how to improve upon this already amazing organization for next year.

The party didn’t stop here. It was time for BINGO! Hundreds of Penn HOSA members gathered for their chance to win one of many beautiful gift baskets. Each basket was themed and they ranged from super heroes to Candyland. The night was full of snacks, prizes, and laughs.

Tuesday March 6, 2012

Students in scrubs, business attire, EMT jumpsuits scurried around the Lancaster Host complex going to their respective competitive events. That evening the Recognition Session took place to an electric room filled with heart pumping music, cheers, and excitement. The session was full of awards, an inspirational keynote speech, and smiles.

Among those awards was the Scholarships of Penn HOSA Foundation. Over the past six years, the Penn HOSA Foundation has raised $275,000 and awarded 155 scholarships valued at $240,000. Approximately eighty percent of the students pursue a nursing degree.

Voting Delegates Orientation 

After the Recognition Session, it was time for American Idol. Penn HOSA has some major talent! They showcased this talent in front of the Judges: Grandpa Beiber, J-Lo, and Steven Tyler. The members sang songs ranging from Adele to Taylor Swift. The advisors even teamed up in baseball caps to perform their version of “Do Wah Ditty Ditty.” 
Wednesday March 7, 2012
The competitive events are over and everyone is excited to find out the results from the conference. It may have been nine in the morning but that did not stop Penn HOSA from celebrating loud and proud.
Congratulations to all competitors!
The 33rd Annual Penn HOSA State Leadership Conference was a complete success and ended with the outgoing state officers performing popular Disney movies to get the crowd pumped up for the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Louisiana HOSA: Reaching New Heights

Determined, passionate and enthusiastic are just a few words to describe the members of Louisiana HOSA. For two days this group of future health professionals would have many exciting guest speakers, workshops, competitive events and HOSA sessions to attend!

Your Region I Vice President Tayla Brown had the pleasure and opportunity to share those two days with Louisiana State HOSA for their 2012 Spring Leadership Conference. The conference was held in Lafayette, Louisiana at the Holiday Inn Conference Center. The beautiful hotel served as the perfect spot for the next two days. 

Region I VP Tayla Brown with Louisiana State Officers and Advisor.

Day 1 of the conference began with registration, opening session and workshops. Members and advisors lined the hall during registration eager to attend and ready for opening session. Registration consisted of all the essentials you would need during the conference like schedules, maps, and cool Louisiana HOSA tee shirts and drawstring bags. Once everyone was registered, opening session begun. Region I Vice President, Tayla Brown welcomed everyone attending on behalf of National HOSA and raised excitement for the National Leadership Conference that will be held in Orlando, Florida this year. Members were excited to have their chapters and advisors recognized, and the new middle school and post-secondary/collegiate chapters were all also welcomed during this time. Guest speaker Dr. Tahisa Colbert a local dentist who graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City also shared her story and gave the members a encouraging message about not giving up on their goals in life. During lunch session the state officers candidates were introduced and gave their campaign speeches.

Louisiana HOSA also hosted a senior dinner that night. This dinner was held to congratulate all the senior HOSA members. Dinner included a slide show and a short speech from Tayla Brown about the transition from high school to college and how to remain focused on their journey. The group of seniors were all given HOSA keepsake glasses for memories.

Louisiana HOSA Logo.

Two is always better than one!
Day 2 was ignited with a zumba class and breakfast to get the day off to a healthy start. Members continued on with competitions and workshops until lunch. During lunch the new Louisiana State Officers were installed and guest speaker Senator Fred Mills gave the everyone an inspiring speech about not letting one mistake hold you back from a successful future.

The conference was coming to a close but not before the awards session, a time when members were eager to find out the results of their competition and see if their hard work dedication had paid off. The points had been counted and the results were in, the awards session was underway. Smiles brightened the room as members names were called for each competition and awarded a medal of bronze, silver or gold. State advisor Shirlene Bender also announced which HOSA chapter would be taking home the Louisiana HOSA Cup! The conference closed with HOSA cheers and a short recap of the year by Louisiana HOSA's former state president Rebecca Stanley. The Louisiana SLC was a huge success, everyone who attended took something home with them from this conference from new experiences to new friends!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HOSA Visits with School Leaders at the Annual NASSP Conference

This year's NASSP Conference was all about "Breaking Ranks"

The streets of Tampa buzzed with the promise of education as more than 1,000 school leaders converged on the Tampa Convention Center March 8th. The conference, sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, was all about changing the way leaders think about education by "Breaking Ranks". Attendees visited many exhibitors during the three-day event, one of which was HOSA - Future Health Professionals! Principals and visitors were drawn to the booth by the presentation of this year's HOSA feature video: Impact Your Future. The video includes many of the most exciting facts and figures about HOSA as well as many attendees of the 2011 National Leadership Conference. See if you appear in the video on Youtube! Visitors to the display were greeted by Mrs. Sheila Carlton, past National Board Chairperson, and National President-Elect David Kelly. Some wanted to be introduced to HOSA, while others simply stopped by to offer their support - we have amazing advisors! One thing was exceptionally clear throughout the show: the word is getting out. HOSA is seeing incredible numbers come in at the national office in Flower Mound, Texas, and interest is only growing as health careers emerge at the forefront of global workforce needs. After seeing the enthusiasm of both established advisors as well as prospective chapters, one has to marvel at the incredible opportunity afforded to such an amazing organization. Ladies and gentlemen, the secret is out. HOSA is making its mark on the world of health, the world of education, and the world itself. HOSA - Future Health Professionals.

Colorado HOSA: Respecting the Past, Excelling in the Present, Creating a Successful Future.

Secondary Board Representative, Brittany Woods, had the pleasure of attending the 2012 Colorado HOSA State Leadership Conference in the beautiful city of Loveland, Colorado!
This conference consisted of 3 days filled with competitive events, educational symposiums, state officer elections, special sessions and most importantly, enthusiastic HOSA members!

The opening day of the conference was exciting for all members and state officers! The opening session consisted of a general welcome to all conference attendees and special guests, a keynote speaker, and the state officers encouraging members to be excited for the next few days of the conference! The keynote speaker was Justin Boudreau, a native to our neighbor nation, Canada. While he was also very comical and entertaining to the members, he expressed how vital it was for members to be thankful for the individuals in their lives who have inspired them to strive to achieve their goals. Day one concluded with a chapter presidents reception, a state officer candidate social, and an exciting game room, with a Nintendo Wii included!

On your marks, get set, COMPETE! That’s right, day two members were out in hallways, guidelines in hands, ready to compete, with hopes of moving on to the National Leadership Conference! From Forensic Science to Human Growth and Development, members were ecstatic to show off their professional dress as well as their health science skills they’ve been enhancing all year long! Alongside competitive events, this day also consisted of educational symposiums which included topics such as Networking, Anatomy in Clay and Zumba! While the day was filled with activities, the night concluded with a recognition session intertwined with dinner that was followed by a dance where the slating of the State Officer Candidates was announced!

At the recognition session, while many students were recognized, one individual was definitely a shining star. A representative from our National Service Project, JDRF, Ellie White touched the heart of all HOSA members who were attendance that night. Ellie was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 3, she is now 8 years old, and is eager to fight against her Type 1 Diabetes. Although she struggles with various health disorders, Ellie still maintains an optimistic attitude. She enjoys telling her story, and also lives her life to the fullest while she can. While Ellie was inspired by the members of Colorado HOSA, all members were inspired by her as well.

The Final day of the Colorado HOSA State Leadership Conference consisted of the business meeting and closing session. At the closing session, Secondary Board Representative, Brittany Woods Greeted all members on Behalf of National HOSA. The entire room was filled with applause and cheers as the competitive event winners were announced, and bright smiles were on the faces of those who received bronze, silver and gold medals. Aside from competitive events, the 2012-2013 Colorado HOSA State Officers were also Installed into their offices. At this conference all members learned something new, or gained a new experience, the 2012 Colorado HOSA State Leadership Conference will definitely be one to remember!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Georgia HOSA 2011-2012: Beyond Possible

Many organizations have programs of work. They evaluate their performance each year and create goals for the coming year. Most organizations look at their performance and determine, based on that data, projections on what will be possible to complete in the coming year. What's possible is a good objective for which to strive, but for a very select few, what's possible just isn't good enough. They must go BEYOND POSSIBLE. Welcome to Georgia HOSA's 2012 State Leadership Conference.

National HOSA President-Elect David Kelly had the amazing opportunity to attend this three day event full of competition, excitement, and over 2,800 attendees. Many arrived the night before to ensure ample time to prepare for preliminary tests in the morning. The event was held in the Classic Center of Athens, Georgia, home of the Georgia Bulldogs. A spirit of youth was definitely present in this hilly and vibrant town only an hour from downtown Atlanta. Meanwhile, Georgia HOSA state officers prepared for Thursday night's opening session. The stage was set.

The Classic Center stage prepared for Opening Session

Opening session of Georgia's SLC involves over 2,800 people cheering in support of their chapter, state, and organization. A true celebration, state officers focus and reflect the enthusiasm of the crown to deliver an incredible message - not everything is possible, but what if we go BEYOND POSSIBLE? Executive Director/State Advisor Mr. Allen Seigler gave a State of the State Address highlighting Georgia's many accomplishments, including Georgia's membership of over 10,000 Future Health Professionals.

The crowd cheers in support of Georgia HOSA

On Friday, competition became heated as members competed in 58 different events. State Officer and Region Representative candidates campaigned nearly all day in search of votes from delegates. The mood of the classic center became more tense as the day rolled to a close, probably due to the impending arrival of the Grand Awards Ceremony. The perfect event to break the tension? The annual Georgia HOSA Dance. Nearly all of the 2,800 members present took to the dance floor to show off not only their skills in the healthcare field, but also their skills on the dance floor. Meanwhile, Georgia HOSA leadership held an event for Chapter Presidents in an adjoining room, celebrating and recognizing their outstanding chapter leadership.

The air the next morning was crackling with excitement and nerves as HOSA descended once again upon the Classic Center. Members were anxious to see who placed the best in their competition, and candidates nervously awaited the announcement of the 2012-2013 State Officer Team. Awards began, and winners ecstatically took to the stage to receive their medals and a chance to attend the 2012 National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida. After the presentation of awards came the announcement and installation of the next State Officer Team. State President Maria van Allen handed the gavel over to President-Elect Sabrina Singh after an emotional tribute to the outgoing team.

After only three days celebrating a year's worth of achievement, Georgia HOSA once again returned to their chapters with a renewed challenge: to go BEYOND POSSIBLE. The passion and enthusiasm of Georgia's membership still reverberated through the center, a poignant reminder of the joy that was experienced here. National HOSA and President-Elect David Kelly would like to personally thank Georgia HOSA leadership, including State Officers, State Staff, and Executive Director Allen Seigler, for inviting a member of the National Executive Council to take part in this unforgettable event. Congratulations to Georgia HOSA on reaching beyond the stars and dreaming beyond reality. Georgia HOSA 2011-2012: BEYOND POSSIBLE.

Members of Georgia HOSA State Staff with Executive Director Mr. Allen Seigler 

National HOSA President-Elect David Kelly with 2011-2012 Georgia
HOSA State Officers and Region Representatives

For more information on Georgia HOSA visit