Friday, September 16, 2011

"Networking Tips" - Courtesy of Experience Student Newsletter

"No matter where you're at in your career, whether a college student or already in the workforce, networking is one of the most important career tools you have. The secret to networking is that there is no secret! It's a natural progression of meeting and learning from other people with similar (or opposite!) career interests, which doesn't happen overnight. 

Here're a few quick tips to keep in mind... 


  1. Learn about others (a professor, boss, classmate, family member, gym buddy, etc.) and their career paths and aspirations.
  2. Make the most of your formal and informal environments, by sharing who you are and learning how your strengths can help another individual or company.
  3. Stay in the loop with new developments in your career field by attending workshops, training programs, professional associations and events.
  1. Ramble on about yourself and neglect to ask other people questions.
  2. Force yourself to meet as many people as possible, in hopes of someone handing you a job.
  3. Hand your business card and resume over to a bunch of strangers and walk away."

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