Thursday, August 11, 2011

HOSA internship in the Office of the Surgeon General: Day IV

Today was the 4th day of the HOSA member's Internship. The students stepped outside the office once again, and had the ultimate exerieince of the USA Department of Health and Human Services. They had the opportunity to meet with LT McBryde, Debbie, Katrina, and Deb, who all work in the office that is soon to be one of the new locations for the Office of the Surgeon General and the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). 

We all are aware of the transition from the "My Pyramid" dietary guide, to the "My Plate". In this office, publications regarding these changes by the USDA were found. It has been proven that there is a low health literacy in our nation, therefor, dietary and physical activity guides are written at a 6th-8th grade level in order to make the material more comprehensive. The interns were then given a power point presentation regarding "Healthy People 2020". This project is updated every 10 years in order to assist with the creation of healthier people, healthier communities, and a healthier nation. To collect all data for Healthy People 2020, 9 regional conference are held nationwide, in order to receive input from all geographical regions. This projects involves more aspects of health outside of medicine. For more information, visit 

The HOSA interns were then introduced to another website, . On this website, you can type in various information such as your age, ethnicity, gender, etc. You will then be able to discover information that you should have checked out by your doctor. This is a great tool to ensure that you are aware of the healthy requirements of your body at your age, whether you are a child, adolescent or adult. The HHS, holds that aspiration of making sure all Americans are well aware of health issues that pertain to them.

Following the various meetings, the interns then had the opportunity to tour the Public Health Service (PHS) offices withing the HHS towers. They were introduced to members of the Public Health Service who cam from wide varieties of the health care field.  They met with nurses, social workers, healthcare administrators, and even an engineer! In the Public Health Service, opportunities await almost anyone and everyone. 

After lunch, the interns then had the time to take the day off and relax, and prepare for their presentation that will be given on the final day of their internship. With only one more day left, the interns are sad that this amazing experience is coming to a close, but are very excited to showcase everything they have learned throughout the past week!

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