Sunday, August 28, 2011

Strive & Succeed - Tips & Resources to Help Conquer the School Year

The golden hours of our summer are leading into yet another school year and why not make our school year golden too, rather platinum? The National Executive Council wants to help you make it so by giving you a list of tips and resources that may help you achieve your academic, extracurricular, and HOSA goals.  The best part is that these can help anyone from middle school to college!  So don't hesitate to take what you need and spread the word and the productivity.

1. Set expectations for yourself.
  • Be realistic in what you expect from yourself, but aim high.

  • Make sure to dedicate time and attention to all aspects of your life. Don't forget yourself! If you're healthy and happy, you can be more efficient in dedicating time and talent to your goals and responsibilities.

2. Set goals.
  • There is a study demonstrating that writing one’s goal enhances goal achievement. So think about what you want to do for the year and set your goals on paper, on a file in your computer, or anything visible.

  • A similar tactic includes posting a picture of a role model on the ceiling above your bed so it's the first thing you see as you wake up and the last thing you see as you fall asleep. Every time you see it, think of why you admire that person. Is it their life philosophy, work ethic, the way they overcame struggles, their achievements and/or current employment? Use this to guide your goals.

  • Visualize yourself achieving these goals. Repeat in your mind the pictures of having achieved your goal already and in this way you will be affecting your subconsciousness. "Thoughts in your mind transform into emotions. Emotions are the basic line for subconsciousness. And the longer these emotions stay in your mind, the more they impress your subconsciousness. All thoughts deep-rooted in your subconscious mind affect your physical reality." (Big Success)

  • For more tips check out:

3.  When thinking of time management think organization, reminders, preparation, and plan B, C, D...
  • The old school way to organizing time includes the use of a calendar, but thanks to technology we can carry our calendar with us on our phone, laptop, or electronic tablets. Keep these updated and set reminders. How? As soon as you are presented with an event, input it into your calendar. If not, focus some of your free time to update your calendar for the week, month, or year.

  • A resource for prioritizing responsibilities, making checklists, and completing them is "Producteev will help you manage your tasks from wherever you’re comfortable working : E-mail, IM, Web, iPhone, Gmail, Google Calendar…" It is also an application that may be available for download on your electronic, so check it out!

4. Don't just organize your time, organize your resources.
  • Organize your workspace. Use filing cabinets, folders, color coordination, post-its and whatever else you need to keep all of your assignments, projects, and materials arranged. This will help you maximize your effectiveness in completing, archiving, and referencing back to your work.

  • If you also enjoy online solutions, is one of the best resources literally at the tip of your fingertips for organizing notes. Besides an online source, it is also an application that is available for download on any Blackberry, Apple, or Android products. "Capture anything, access anywhere," and then search for it whenever you need to.

5. What about resources?

TRI Leadership does a great job at providing us with links and online access to resources via HOSA University. If you have not had the opportunity to attend yet or have lost the links, here they are. We have also included some of our own.
  • - "Quizlet is the largest flash cards and study games website with over 6 million free sets of flashcards covering every possible subject."

  • Wolfram Alpha -  A search engine that helps with math/science studying.

  • - "SlideShare is the best way to share presentations, documents and professional videos."

  • - Bring presentations to life with the innovative and interactive software of Prezi.

  • - "Zotero is the only research tool that automatically senses content and adds it to your personal library with a single click." This is an extension that works only with Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser.

  • If you need to turn for more advice on how to improve productivity, check out for more articles on how to do so.

6.  Seek support.
  • Reach out to classmates, teachers, advisors, professionals, and your family about any concerns you may have. Many times we don't realize how much support is available until we become open to accepting it and reaching for it.

  • High School Students: Check out to see the action plan that best fits you. Planning ahead and being prepared will help make you the top contenders for college admissions (as well as actively participating in HOSA)!

  • College Students: Become familiar with the various support available on campus. Your academic advisors, student advisors, the career center, and professors are there to help you. Take time to e-mail them or visit them in person in order to become acquainted with each other. There is nothing better than seeing a student who is active in their academic endeavors, but also in maintaining relationships.

7. Do the things you love and love the things you do.
  • Working hard is important, but sometimes it burns you out. In doing the things you love, you will feel revitalized instead of drained.

  • However, don't forget to lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes nutrition, sleeping habits, and physical fitness. For more tips and information visit First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move Campaign website:

Team 2012 truly wishes you a successful school year. We know you will continue to surpass our expectations as you exercise your talent and skill in participating in your local, regional, and state chapters.  We look forward to not only representing you, but also to working with you. Don’t forget to continue checking back for the variety of articles we will be posting up in our commitment to “Celebrate the Members!”

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